Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tears From The Soul

Our tears, always necessary and liberating ... hidden by some just because of shame, by creating a shield and try to show the "strong" side, confusing sensitivity with weakness ... they do not know what they are missing, those who never shed tears. It is such a natural process in the human being, (and I'm really not sure if it is in other species of animals too) that I don't understand why it is sometimes trapped within us, when their release means no more than one of the most beautiful expressions of feelings, whether they are of grief, sorrow, joy, emotion, excitement, etc.... it really shows the importance of that feeling for us, it is a cleaning process, and also with our tears we let out those feelings that I mentioned, as rivers carrying leaves shed by trees in the fall... crying trees ... 

The pain and grief have many reasons to be .... disappointment, frustration, detachment, loss, among others. Many times, those who do not cry for fear of being seen, or because they were never taught or encouraged to show their feelings in the past, (some were even taught that it was wrong to show many feelings because it's an index of weakness...ridiculous), unfortunately keep all that inside of them, when all that it wants is to be expressed, and by not doing it those feelings are lost .... like song private from audience, a poem private from readers, an "I love you" private to be heard, a kiss private from other lips. If we want to overcome that pain, crying helps a lot, no matter how much you do it, the idea is not to block the tears, let them flow as rain falls over the land and oceans, renovating and creating new forms of life that we admire so much...the natural process of creation. 

The joy and excitement should also be released, expressed. Although the most common way is through laughter, tears can also be very powerful ... sometimes they are both connected. Many people laugh at times when others cry, just to hide their tears of joy ... Joy is a gift from the Universe to our being, regardless of who is the direct postman delivering it ... it is delivered to us to help in the understanding that everything has its reward, that everything has a solution in life, nothing is impossible and everything is better with a smile and sometimes a single tear ... do not deprive yourself of those gifts, because they are just for you. Learn how to receive them, to appreciate them ... the gift of life, our close circle of people, our health, the gift of waking up every morning just to breathe, and sometimes to see the stars and moon before closing your eyes .... others are lucky enough to receive and give a kiss on each of those moments, drying some tears, or just contemplate them in their journey, showing how much I mean to you ... 

Dedicated to all those who have shed tears and still do, regardless of the reason ... and those who have not do it, just try it ... as I said several times, nothing coming from yourself is worthy to be feared.

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Lágrimas Del Alma

Nuestro llanto, siempre necesario y liberador...oculto por algunos simplemente por vergüenza, por crear una coraza y tratar de mostrar el lado "fuerte", al confundir sensibilidad con saben lo que se pierden los que nunca derraman lágrimas. Es un proceso tan natural en el ser humano, y realmente no estoy seguro si en otras especies de animales, que no se entiende por qué es a veces aprisionado dentro de nosotros, cuando su liberación no significa más que una de las más bellas expresiones de sentimientos, ya sean de pena, dolor, alegría, orgullo, emoción, etcétera....realmente muestra la importancia que tiene ese sentimiento para nosotros, es un proceso de limpieza, y con nuestras lágrimas también dejamos salir esos sentimientos que ya mencioné, como ríos que transportan hojas derramadas por los árboles en otoño...el llanto de los árboles...

El dolor y la pena tienen muchas razones de ser....desilusión, frustración, desapego, pérdida, entre otras. Muchas veces, aquellos que no lloran por temor a ser vistos, o porque nunca les enseñaron o incentivaron a demostrar sus sentimientos, (es más, incluso les mostraron que estaba mal mostrar muchos sentimientos porque muestra debilidad, que estupidez), lamentablemente se guardan todo eso, que lo único que quiere es ser expresado, y al no hacerlo son sentimientos perdidos....como una canción privada de audiencia, un poema privado de lectores, un "te quiero" privado de ser escuchado, un beso privado de otros labios. Si queremos superar ese dolor, llorar ayuda mucho, sin importar cuánto se llore, la idea es no bloquear esas lágrimas, dejarlas fluir como cae la lluvia sobre la tierra y océanos, renovando y creando nuevas formas de vida que tanto admiramos.

La alegría y emoción también deben ser liberadas, expresadas. Y aunque la forma más común es a través de la risa, las lágrimas no dejan de ser igual de poderosas...muchas veces conectadas. Hay mucha gente que ríe en momentos de llanto, simplemente para ocultar sus lágrimas de emoción...La alegría es un regalo del Universo a nuestro ser, independiente de quien sea el cartero directo de ese nos entrega para ayudarnos a entender que todo tiene su recompensa, que todo tiene solución en la vida, que nada es imposible, y todo es mejor con una sonrisa y a veces con un par de lá te prives de esos regalos, porque son especialmente para ti. Aprende a recibirlos, a apreciarlos...el regalo de la vida, de los cercanos, de nuestra salud, de simplemente despertar cada mañana y poder respirar, y a veces poder ver las estrellas y la luna antes de cerrar los ojos....otros tienen la suerte de recibir y dar un beso en cada uno de esos momentos, de secar algunas lágrimas, o simplemente contemplarlas en su recorrido, demostrando lo mucho que significo para ti...

Dedicado a todos quienes han derramado lágrimas y lo siguen haciendo, sin importar la razón...y los que no hacen aún, inténtenlo...como he dicho varias veces, nada que venga de ustedes mismos es merecedor de ser temido.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Be The Change

Did it ever happen that you can express yourself very fluently, either through written, audible words, or any kind of art, but without knowing where it comes from, at a level that you are amazed of what you just said or did? That's what I want to write about today after some recess...we'll see if those words today can flow from the inside in that way often unknown and unexpected...

Recently I was commenting to a friend about this "gift" as she calls it, of having such ease of connecting with your "inner self" with your oceans of wisdom that cover the foundations of your life, your soul. This knowledge is not just for some, although it often seems to be, reason why it is called "gift" or "special skill." And if we think that we are not all the same or do not have the same abilities or qualities of expression in our lives, then it would be correct to classify some things and people as "special". Bottom line is, we all woke up to the world in the same way, and feeling the same as any other being... opening our eyes, regardless of race or species...just took our first breath, opened our eyes, and looked for our mother (I love you ma). It is in the process which comes after those initial minutes of life where these changes that will shape our lives manifest.

We are all born with the same tools, but not all of us are aware of how to put them to good use, sometimes don't even know that these tools exist...until we wake up. After that awakening in our birth, after that first eye opening experience, sadly our eyes close again, and we live that way for a long time....this is the time that varies from person to person, and is conditioned gigantically by our environment, the people around us and our own thirst for knowledge, both internal and external. Over time I have learned that everyone has their own biological clock....which is not only to tell a woman when to become a mother, as many think...this clock has an alarm that wakes us up at the time we are ready to start feeding ourselves from that infinite wisdom. It is not easy for those already awakened not to show the keys of that internal library to the world, but sometimes you have to understand that the rest is not ready, their alarm has still not awakened them, and this is something I'm still working on. It is not easy to learn to filter or select the people to who you can talk about certain topics, or deprive your loved ones from what has changed your life completely...because even though you know that these changes can also help them, there must be receptivity, which is absent if they are still with their eyes closed. And this is not at all about being better or superior to the rest (if it was like that I wouldn't be interested in sharing the experience), you just have to understand that some are ready earlier than others, which means you found something before them, and then you want to share...unlike those who discover something but keep it to themselves, reason why the world is not going forward. It's as simple as thinking about the reason why so many institutions keep so many secrets from the rest of humanity....thank God that there are brave people who risk their lives to reveal those secrets to the world, opening the eyes of some.

A key part in this process is to be tolerant. Learn to respect nature in which we live and of which we are part, as well as other animals, because yes, we are also animals, we're just a different species. By being able to respect and accept others as members of this life, we can live without selfishness, without negative competition, without discrimination. You learn to LOVE the rest, and by "rest" I mean every single inhabitant of this planet, and why not, from the universe and other planets....because you can love what you do not know... it is simply about accepting it for what it is. When you accept yourself and love yourself with all your flaws and virtues, that's when you realize and recognize these flaws and learn to work with them, to get them out of your life. But in order to change you must accept who you are at that moment, and then it's up to you what things you want to change, and believe me, you will not want to stop the internal evolution. When you already understand that you are a complement of everything around us, that's when you learn the meaning of respect for the existence and other's life, of all the kingdoms that mean life. Just think for a couple minutes (or research if you prefer) how would the world be without the mineral kingdom, without the fungi kingdom...would there be life without the trees that provide us with oxygen? Would we be so happy without animals around us?

I mention it again because it is another of the keys to this process, MEDITATION. It's just taking the time to connect with our Inner Self, the Universe, Nature, with the Creator. Listen, let go, feel our needs, get the answers to the questions we ask in our lives, the paths to follow to change what we believe necessary...everything can be accomplish like seems unbelievable. Just today, September 21, 2014, there is a Global Meditation for World Peace (, and a couple of years ago I would not have consider doing this at all, I would have said that is nonsense, these things do not work...and after a while I began to think differently and say, what do I have to lose by trying? If it works, we move even closer to the goal of changing the world, and if this fails, well, I just used my time meditating and getting a moment of peace, relaxation and tranquility in my life ;). The mere fact of doing meditation is already changing the world, because it is already bringing peace and love to many lives, which before doing it, were occupying that moment doing something that did not provide the same.

Explore and discover yourself, inside and outside...there's nothing coming from ourselves that we should be afraid of. What change us is the surroundings, and that's why you need to know how to choose the place where you want to be, and the people you want live your life with, as long as we have the opportunity to choose. For those souls who have no choice (like all those children who have to live in countries at war), the task is much more difficult, because that inner peace is to be achieved between death and daily suffering, where they really do not know if there will be a tomorrow or not ... stupid wars caused by selfishness and greed.
YOU are more than that!!
YOU are the needed evolution!!
Let's CHANGE the World!!!
The change is NOW, not tomorrow !!!
The change is YOU, not the rest !!

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Se El Cambio

¿Te ha pasado alguna vez, que te puedes expresar fluidamente, ya sea a través de escritos, palabras audibles, o algún tipo de arte, pero sin saber de dónde viene...tanto así que te sorprendes a ti mismo? Sobre eso es lo que quiero escribir hoy, después de algún tiempo de receso...vamos a ver si esas palabras pueden fluir hoy desde mi interior de esa forma muchas veces desconocida e inesperada...

Hace un rato comentaba con una amiga sobre este "don" como lo llama ella, de tener esas facilidad de conectar con tu "yo interno", con tus oceanos de sabiduría que cubren los cimientos de tu vida, de tu alma. Este conocimiento no es exclusivo para algunos, aunque muchas veces parece serlo, razón por la cual es llamado "don" o "habilidad". Y si pensamos que no todos somos iguales o no tenemos las mismas capacidades o cualidades de expresión en nuestras vidas, entonces sería correcto clasificar a algunos seres como "especiales". El fondo es, que todos despertamos al mundo de la misma forma, y sintiendo lo mismo que cualquier otro ser abriendo los ojos, sin importar la raza ni la especie...simplemente damos nuestro primer respiro, abrimos los ojos, y buscamos a nuestra madre (te quiero mucho ma). Es en el proceso que viene después de esos minutos iniciales de vida dónde se manifiestan esos cambios que van a marcar nuestras vidas.

Todos nacemos con las mismas herramientas, más no todos estamos conscientes de cómo darles buen uso, incluso a veces ni siquiera sabemos que esas herramientas existen...hasta que despertamos. Luego de ese despertar en nuestro nacimiento, luego de ese primer abrir de ojos, tristemente los volvemos a cerrar, y así vivimos por mucho tiempo....este tiempo es el que varía de persona en persona, y está condicionado gigantescamente por nuestro ambiente, la gente que nos rodea, y nuestra propia sed de conocimiento, tanto interno como externo. Con el tiempo he aprendido que todos tienen su propio reloj biológico....que no es solamente para avisarle a una mujer el momento de ser madre, como muchos piensan...este reloj tiene una alarma, que nos despierta en el momento en que estamos preparados para empezar a alimentarnos de esa infinita sabiduría. No es fácil para los ya despiertos el no enseñar las llaves de esa biblioteca interna al resto del mundo, pero a veces hay que entender que el resto aún no está preparado, que su alarma aún no los despierta, y en esto es algo que estoy aún trabajando. No es fácil aprender a filtrar o seleccionar personas a las que si les puedes hablar de ciertos temas, o privar a los que más amas de eso que ha cambiado tu vida por completo...porque aunque sabes que esos cambios también los pueden ayudar a ellos, debe existir esa receptividad, que no se da si están aún con los ojos cerrados. Y esto para nada se trata de ser mejor o creerse superior que el resto (si fuera así no me interesaría compartir la experiencia), simplemente hay que entender que algunos están listos antes que otros, lo que quiere decir que descubriste algo antes que ellos, y luego lo quieres compartir...a diferencia de aquellos que lo descubren pero lo guardan para sí mismos, razón por la cual el mundo no tan simple como pensar en la razón de por qué tantas instituciones guardan tantos secretos al resto de la humanidad....gracias a Dios que existen los valientes que arriesgan sus vidas al dejar esos secretos al descubierto, abriendo los ojos de algunos.

Parte clave en este proceso es ser tolerante. Aprender a respetar a la naturaleza en la que vivimos y de la cual nosotros somos parte, así como también el resto de los animales, porque si, también somos animales, solo somos una especia distinta. Al ser capaz de respetar y aceptar a los demás como integrantes de esta vida, somos capaces de convivir sin egoísmo, sin competencia negativa, sin discriminación. Se aprende a AMAR al resto, y con "resto" me refiero a todo ser habitante de este planeta, y por qué no, de Universo y el resto de los planetas....porque si se puede amar a lo que no se conoce...simplemente se trata de aceptarlo por lo que es. Cuando te aceptas y amas a ti mismo, con todos tus defectos y virtudes, es cuando te das cuenta y reconoces esos defectos y aprendes a trabajarlos, hasta sacarlos de tu vida, pero para trabajarlos debes aceptar lo que eres en ese mismo momento, y ahí depende de ti que cosas quieres cambiar, y créeme que no vas a querer detener esa evolución interna. Ya entendiendo que eres un complemento junto con todo lo que nos rodea, es ahí cuando entiendes lo que es el respeto a la existencia y vida ajena, de todos los reinos que conforman la vida...solo por minutos piensen (o si quieren investiguen) cómo sería el mundo sin el reino mineral, sin los hongos,... ¿existiría la vida sin los árboles que nos dan el oxígeno?, ¿seríamos tan felices sin los animales?

Nuevamente lo menciono porque es otra de las claves de este proceso, MEDITACIÓN. Es simplemente tomarse el tiempo de conectarse con nuestro Yo Interno, con el Universo, con la Naturaleza, con el Creador. Escucharse, dejarse llevar, sentir nuestras necesidades, captar las respuestas a las preguntas que nos hacemos en nuestras vidas, los caminos a seguir para cambiar los que creemos necesario...todo se logra de esa forma...parece increíble. Justamente hoy, Septiembre 21 de 2014, hay una Meditación Global para la Paz Mundial (www.unify,org), y hace un par de años no hubiera pensado en hacerlo, hubiera dicho que son tonterías, que esas cosas no funcionan...y después de un tiempo empecé a pensar diferente y decía, ¿qué pierdo con probar? si funciona nos acercamos cada vez más al objetivo de cambiar el mundo, y si no funciona simplemente utilicé mi tiempo en meditar y obtener un momento de paz, relajación y tranquilidad en mi vida. El solo hecho de hacer la meditación ya está cambiando al mundo, porque ya está trayendo paz y amor a muchas vidas, que antes de meditar, estaban ocupando ese momento en algo más que no aportaba lo mismo.

Explórense, conózcanse por dentro y por hay que temer a nada que venga de nosotros mismos, lo que nos cambia es lo externo, y es por eso que hay que saber elegir el lugar dónde queremos estar, y las personas con las que queremos convivir, siempre y cuando tengamos la posibilidad de elegirlo. Para aquellas almas que no tienen la posibilidad de elegir (como todos aquellos niños que les tocó vivir en países en guerra), la tarea es mucho más difícil, porque esa paz interior se debe lograr entre muerte y sufrimiento diario, dónde realmente no sabes si habrá o no un mañana...estúpidas guerras provocadas por egoísmo y codicia.

¡¡TÚ puedes más!!
¡¡TÚ eres más que eso!!
¡¡TÚ eres la evolución que se necesita!!
¡¡¡Cambiemos el mundo!!!
¡¡¡El cambio es ahora, no mañana!!!
¡¡¡El cambio eres TÚ, no el resto!!

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Monday, September 1, 2014

Apprentices And Masters

I already wrote it before somewhere, but for those who did not read it, ignored it, or didn't understand it, here goes a little reminder; close your eyes, clear your mind from all thoughts and ideas, focus only on a deep breathing, and let the mind fly...

Sometimes we need to fall to stand up and try to get higher, suffer in order to learn how to love, make mistakes to be better, be quiet to listen, go through defeats to taste the glory, have lived in our hell to desire our paradise, confront fears to overcome them, and these all can be resumed in self-growth and self-improvement. Whatever is the situation that brought us to a the point where we believe everything is lost, when we feel lots of pain, when we think that our life is not at all complete, all those moments we must take to listen to our "inner self”, our mind, our feelings, our body... learn to know, to love, and to respect ourselves... that´s the only way we'll get to accept and love ourselves completely (it took me a while to get to that point, thank you for reminding me...Charly Brown).

We came into this world alone... Yes, it is clear that we came from our mother’s belly, and that there is a father too, as well as a Supreme Creator who put us in this place. I mean that we are the only ones that fully know what we feel and want in life... which is the best food for our body, the best books or documentaries for our minds, the best conversations that will mark our lives as well as the people we want to be a part of it. And here is where I want to stop a bit. Many people say "you can choose your friends but not your family", and you can actually choose who to spend your life with. The fact that family is united by blood doesn’t really mean that you have to like them all….You could have relatives that you don’t even know, and some other that you don’t even want to be a part of your life. …if they are not good for me, then why keep up with them??? I could smile at them, but I just can’t be a hypocrite, and I don’t need to get along with everybody, and that involves relatives (ONLY I choose how and who to live my life with, no one else, unless I let them). So I have my parents and sister who are my close family (and I love very much), but then it will be my beloved wife and my son (maybe a daughter too). If one aspires to have a full and happy life (which is very different from conformity), there is no reason to keep within your circle, people (independent of whether they are relatives, friends, or couples) that only brings negative energy to your life, and that are there just to criticize you or watch you make a mistake (and say “I told you so”), and not to support and complement your life (envy is a strong word, but is very common between family members, bitterness and envy of success and accomplishments in life). To me, respect has no levels, and does not change depending on the person that you have in front... and many people confuse this with condescension and ridiculous to believe that you are better than everybody else... and if you really are more awake, then the idea is to help those who still aren't...that’s the only way of accomplishing the evolution of the species. Family, friends, couples... are all people in your life, and based on that you can give them the key to enter, or you can decide to exclude them completely... I let out all the bad... Finally I realized that it is the key to the full and personal happiness.

When you get to feel that fullness, that calm, that joy, then is when your vibrations change, they level up, and you get to a different frequency... where it can be true that you can see others from above, without the desire of ignore or look down on them (as it happens with arrogance), but with the desire to help them, give them a hand and teach them the way to reach the frequency in which you are now together with many others who earlier gave a hand to you. Why be selfish and not share with the rest that thing that causes you so much happiness? If the rest do not want to take it, well that is another story, and perhaps their time will come later when they alone realize it, or someone more significant in their lives show them that way, but the idea is to share it, not to keep it secret. Tolerance and humility are powerful tools in the process of teaching and learning. There is always someone more advanced than you, teachers and guides, or whatever they want to call them, which does not mean that we cannot get to that same level...At the end is what one aspire to, whenever we take classes of anything, yoga, painting, singing, art, sports, even at work... learn from the best to become the best or just better, and then spread that knowledge with those who do not have the same chance to take those classes, but that can teach us a lot about values and simplicity.

Don't be afraid to be alone, because that time of solitude is the way to learn about yourself, learn to love yourself, discover thousands of things that we didn't know, change as a person... all this can be discover by meditating. To be independent has millions of advantages, but I would mention that in some other writing. It is very different to be alone by choice, it is so different to be able to be alone and be happy. When that moment arrives is when we really are prepared to help the rest, we can find a partner that is our full complement, perfect complement…not those mediocre ones that you would try to change, and would be always thinking "I wish he/she was different". For those who are in a situation, in which you constantly think about changing your partner or your friends, JUST DO IT!!! (Can’t be any more emphatic here, nothing is stopping you but yourselves). You can always start from scratch, that is listening to yourself and following your instincts... you can have what you really want in your life, the idea is that those desires are in sync with the body, mind and soul, because if they’re not, you would just generate confusion. You project what you want for yourself, and if there is confusion, that's what you will attract...don't complain after. Learn how to be alone and to love yourselves. Friendship is not to be requested or begged, and love is not to be created or does not have to be complicated or difficult, please do not confuse it with a mediocre relationship, in which many just stay with someone because they fear of being alone...they don’t know what they miss. If you are able to be happy with yourself, then each person you choose to include in your life is a plus, an add-on, and if for some reason this person is no longer there at a certain point, your happiness will remain with you, intact like before finding that person. Many people are passengers in the trains of our lives, but each and every one of them teach us something, which we often simply don’t notice. To meet someone just for a day can change our lives completely... open your eyes and be receptive... listen.

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