Saturday, August 30, 2014

Aprendices Y Maestros

Ya lo escribí antes en algún lugar, pero para los que no lo leyeron, lo ignoraron, no lo entendieron, aquí va de nuevo un pequeño recordatorio; cerrar los ojos, echar todos los pensamientos e ideas fuera, concentrarse solamente en la respiración profunda, y dejar la mente volar...

A veces es necesario caerse para levantarse y tratar de llegar más alto, sufrir para aprender a amar, errar para ser mejor, callar para escuchar, sufrir derrotas para saber ganar, haber vivido en un infierno para desear el paraíso, enfrentar los miedos para poder superarlos, lo que se resume simplemente en crecimiento y superación. Sea cual sea la situación que nos haya traído a un momento en el que creemos todo está perdido, en el que sentimos mucho dolor, cuando pensamos que nuestra vida no está para nada completa, todos esos momentos son los que debemos aprovechar para escuchar a nuestro "yo interno", nuestra mente, nuestros sentimientos, nuestro cuerpo...aprender a conocernos, a querernos y respetarnos...solo así vamos a llegar a aceptarnos y amarnos completamente (me ha costado harto llegar a ese punto, gracias por recordármelo...Charly Brown).

Llegamos solos a este, está claro que salimos del vientre de nuestras madres, y que hay un padre, así como también un Creador Supremo que nos puso en ese lugar. Me refiero a que solo nosotros sabemos completamente lo que sentimos y queremos...el mejor alimento para nuestro cuerpo, los mejores libros y/o documentales para nuestras mentes, las mejores conversaciones que marcarán nuestras vidas, así como también las personas que queremos dentro de ellas. Y aquí último es dónde me detengo un poco para profundizar. Mucha gente dice "uno no elige a la familia pero si a los amigos",...y bueno, yo creo que uno puede elegir a quienes formarán parte de tu vida. El hecho de que la familia esté unida por sangre no quiere decir que te tienen que agradar todos. Puedes tener familiares que ni siquiera conoces, y otros que simplemente no quieres dentro de tu vida. Les podría sonreír, pero simplemente no puedo ser hipócrita, y no necesito llevarme bien con todo el mundo, y eso incluye a parientes (SOLO YO elijo cómo y con quién vivir mi vida, nadie más, a menos que se los permita). Está claro que tengo a mis padres y hermana que son mi familia cercana, pero luego también lo será mi amada esposa y mi hijo (quizás también una hija). Si uno aspira a tener una vida plena y llena de felicidad (que es muy diferente a conformismo), no hay razón alguna para mantener dentro de tu circulo a gente (independiente de si son familiares, amigos o parejas) que solo trae energías negativas a tu vida, y que no aportan nada positivo, simplemente están ahí para criticarte o esperar que cometas un error (y decir “te lo dije”), y no para apoyarte ni complementar tu vida (envidia es una palabra muy fuerte, pero es muy común dentro de la familia, amargura y envidia de los éxitos y logros en la vida). Para mí el respeto no tiene niveles, y no cambia según la persona que tengas en frente...y mucha gente confunde esto con aires de superioridad y arrogancia...que ridículo creerse superior al otro... y si realmente es que uno está más despierto, entonces la idea es ayudar en el proceso a quienes todavía no lo están...solo así se logra la evolución de la especie. Familia, amigos, parejas...son todos personas en tu vida, y en base a eso puedes darles la llave para entrar, o puedes decidir excluirlos completamente...yo dejo fuera todo lo malo...finalmente me di cuenta de que es la clave de la felicidad plena y personal.

Cuando llegues a sentir esa plenitud, esa calma, esa alegría, entonces es cuando tus vibraciones cambian, suben de nivel, y ya estás en una frecuencia distinta...donde si es verdad que puedes ver a otros desde arriba, pero sin el deseo de pisotearlos ni ignorarlos (como es lo que hace la arrogancia), más con las ganas de ayudarlos, de darles una mano y enseñarles el camino para llegar a la frecuencia en la que ahora estas, junto con muchos otros que antes te dieron una mano a ti. ¿Por qué ser egoísta y no compartir con el resto eso que te causa tanta felicidad? Si ese resto no lo quiere tomar, bueno ese es otro tema, y quizás después les llegue el momento en que solos se den cuenta, o alguien más significativo en sus vidas les muestre ese camino, pero la idea es compartirlo, no mantenerlo en secreto. Tolerancia y humildad son poderosas herramientas en este proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje...siempre habrá alguien más avanzado que tú, los maestros y guías, o como quieran llamarlos, lo que no quiere decir que nosotros no podamos llegar a ese mismo nivel...finalmente es a lo que uno aspira, siempre que toma clases de cualquier cosa, yoga, pintura, canto, arte, algún deporte, incluso en el trabajo...aprender del mejor para llegar a ser el mejor, y luego esparcir ese conocimiento con los que no tienen las mismas posibilidades de tomar esas clases, pero si nos pueden enseñar mucho sobre valores y simplicidad.

No tengan miedo a estar solos, porque ese tiempo de soledad es el camino para conocerse a uno mismo, aprender a amarse, descubrir miles de cosas que no sabíamos, cambiar como persona...todo esto se puede lograr meditando. No depender de nadie tiene millones de ventajas, pero eso ya lo mencionaré en otro escrito. Es muy distinto estar solo por decisión propia, es tan distinto tener la capacidad de estar solo y ser feliz...que cuando llega ese momento, es cuándo realmente estaremos preparados para ayudar al resto, podremos encontrar a una pareja que sea nuestro total complemento, complemento perfecto, no de esos mediocres que uno trata de cambiar y está siempre pensando "ojalá fuera distinto (a)”. Para aquellos que están en una situación así, en la que constantemente piensan en cambiar a su pareja o a sus amigos, simplemente HAGANLO!!! (no puedo ser más enfático en este punto, nada nos detiene más que nosotros mismos). Siempre se puede empezar de cero, en eso consiste el escucharse a uno mismo y el seguir los puede tener lo que realmente desea en su vida, la idea es que esos deseos estén sincronizados entre cuerpo, mente y alma, porque si no se genera confusión. Uno proyecta lo que quiere para sí mismo, y si existe confusión, eso es lo que van a atraer...después no se quejen. Aprendan a estar solos y quererse. La amistad no se pide ni se mendiga, y el amor no se crea ni se busca...el amor no tiene que ser complicado ni difícil, por favor no confundirlo con una relación mediocre, en la que muchos están solo por estar con alguien y tienen temor a estar saben lo que se pierden. Si eres capaz de ser feliz contigo mismo, entonces cada persona que elijas incluir en tu vida es un plus, un complemento, y que si por alguna razón ese complemento ya no está, tu felicidad seguirá estando contigo, intacta como antes de encontrar a esa persona. Muchas personas son pasajeras en nuestras vidas, pero todas y cada una de ellas nos dejan una enseñanza, simplemente muchas veces no las vemos. Conocer a alguien simplemente por un día puede cambiar totalmente nuestras vidas...abran los ojos y estén receptivos...escúchense.


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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Children In Love

They met as children, when in their minds, the function of the heart has not yet expanded to be the creator of that feeling ... the cutest and the most painful, the one that will move your world and can also destroy it ... that feeling that everyone has known once, no matter the origin of it ...

Beautiful child ages, tender love for adults, simple fun for the little ones. That desire of playing forever, until the sun goes down, or they call you to come back in the house to go to sleep, because the next day you have to be present in this forced "educational" system ... luckily there are new alternatives now.

There is no caress yet, or maybe there is but very mild, of the kind that's worth the most ... a short goodbye kiss on the cheek, then run out to hide the blushing face ... and then fall asleep thinking about that sweet, innocent kiss ... it means a world at the time ... if only those times could return ...

Then came the exchange of letters, because after that kiss, it was known that it was more than just a friendship. Simple writings saying "I love you" or "I like you" ... it was that easy and cute, children in love. It made you fly without wings, float in the clouds, forget about the world and time, she was the only thing that mattered in each of those days. Spending most of the time together and nights thinking about her ... those times can return ...

After a while the answer never came, because that caring was mutual, but the "love" I never knew ... and those are the times when the courting is only on one side, and she is just the courted one that can enjoy that stage, regardless of the uncertainty and doubt sown in him, which is only awaiting for an answer, any sign or signal, which will confirm the hopes of one day being reciprocated ...
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Gift Of Destiny

Is the wait over? Could it be that the universe has presented me a new giftLike a kid with a new toy, to see the joy, impression, smile on his face...thousands of emotions and new sensations...some others not new, but that were hidden in the depths of my deep that I already believed nonexistent, missing, lost. But there they were, the old and the new, and only now I knew when you woke them up... I must say that those emotions I called old, for feeling them before in the past, are much more intense this time, which sometimes makes me believe that they are different feelings...I think it's on another level.

Up to this point in my life I have felt and lived several experiences...maybe not more than my parents, but I can say that by giving my whole being in each one of them, that makes them very intense, that makes me say I tried my utmost, I did not give up, until that time when I decided not to feel more hurt...I decided to think about me. And for many years I thought those feelings were dead, killed by those past relationships in which they were the hope of making life better. During those years, I watched them from afar, in other people, in other couples, in movies, in books...they were hidden in me, and I thought I'd never feel them again, but deep in my heart I was still asking.
So, I started the process of personal growth, self-esteem, self-respect, love teach by example we first have to heal ourselves, and that is what I tried to do, and I am still trying. Looking at the past, it is so much what I have changed in my life. Both what I have rejected and the new that I'm still integrating. I must say I'm not afraid to change, not afraid to life, because living in fear is not living, is living dead....and I chose not to be a zombie (which today are followed as a trend). Crucial in the process is the role of  nature, animals, meditation, yoga, healthy eating, and that special connection with the celestial bodies that brought us unto the world in the beginning, as a gift to our parents in this life, and as a gift to who knows who in our previous lives. Nothing else is needed but that connection...everything else, no matter how wonderful it is, is automatically attracted, like dreams to music, the feeling of flying when you are in my lips to yours...

And that's how I found you or you found me...the universe brought us together. And it was written in our books, at least in this life, and who knows if also in some past life, because that feeling of knowing a person from somewhere else, without having very clear and vivid memories, that feeling is not our imagination, and unfortunately is often overlooked by some who do not know what they want in life, those who do not know themselves (I stole that from you). How to explain that incredible feeling of comfort, confidence, the need to talk, see you, touch you, be next to each other... fall in love with our madness, to live together for the rest we have, raise a family, feel each other, love each other...being us. I call it destiny, the plan that the Universe have for us both. And these stories exist, but they are scarce, and you can just feel it... as is happening now.

One can feel very comfortable with a person, care and want her/him very much, even feel love, and yet slightly feel that there's something missing...and that something is often ignored, and you just decide go ahead without feeling completely full, thinking that nothing is perfect, and that you can make it work (by forcing it)...but it can be perfect if you want it, if you attract it. And if for a moment those higher energies decide to unite us, decide that it's already time for us to find such happiness, after many turns in our lives that left us with experiences, left us with the urge of wanting something are my something else... and I hope to be yours.
This is just the beginning of our story... hopefully to become the best-selling book, the most inspiring quotes...because something as wonderful and amazing as what is "shaking our ground" these days, must not be hidden from the rest of the world. Beauty should be shared and is always appreciated... it gives hope to those who yearn for a change, and who believe that the stories of the fairy tales stories can actually exist. They exist in the world we are both creating, a world to which very few have access to right now,  world where you see with your heart and not with the eyes, where we walk next to the angels every evening, holding hands...and lying on the prairie of the stars, I tenderly touch your pretty face, steal the smell of your long hair, and go to sleep with that goodnight kiss, reminding us that dreams can be real...and that is exactly what we are beginning to live.
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Saturday, August 16, 2014

El Regalo Del Destino

¿Habrá terminado la espera? ¿Será que el Universo me ha presentado un nuevo regalo?
Como un niño con juguete nuevo, ver la alegría, impresión, sonrisa en su cara...miles de emociones y sensaciones nuevas...otras no nuevas pero que se encontraban escondidas en el fondo de mi ser...tan en el fondo que ya creía no existentes, desaparecidas, perdidas. Pero ahí estaban, las antiguas y las nuevas, y solo ahora lo supe, cuando tú las despertaste...debo decir que esas emociones que llamé antiguas, por haberlas sentido alguna vez en el pasado, son mucho más intensas esta vez, lo que a veces hace creer que sea un sentimiento distinto...yo creo que es a otro nivel.

Hasta este momento en mi vida he sentido y vivido varias experiencias...quizás no más que mis padres, pero sí puedo decir que al entregar todo mi ser en cada una de ellas, eso las hace muy intensas, eso me hace decir que lo intenté hasta más no poder, no me rendí, hasta que llegado el momento decidí no sentir más daño...decidí pensar en mí. Y por muchos años di por muertos esos sentimientos que tanto dirigieron mi vida en años anteriores. Durante esos años los miraba desde lejos, en otras personas, en otras parejas, en películas, en libros...estaban ocultos en mí, y pensé nunca volver a sentirlos, pero en el fondo de mi corazón lo seguía pidiendo.

Comenzó así el proceso de crecimiento personal, amor propio, auto respeto, quererse a uno mismo...para enseñar con el ejemplo primero hay que sanarse a uno mismo, y en eso estuve y estoy. Mirando al pasado, es tanto lo que he cambiado en mi vida. Tanto lo que he desechado y tanto lo nuevo que sigo integrando. Debo decir que no le tengo miedo a los cambios, no le tengo miedo a la vida, porque vivir con miedo no es vivir, es estar muerto en vida....y elegí no ser un zombi (que hoy en día está tan de moda). Bastante ha hecho la naturaleza, los animales, meditación, yoga, alimentación sana, y esa conexión especial con los astros que en el comienzo nos trajeron al mundo, como un regalo a nuestros padres en esta vida, y como un regalo a quién sabe quién en nuestras vidas anteriores. Nada más se necesita que esa conexión...lo demás, por muy maravilloso que sea, se atrae de forma automática.

Y fue así como te encontré, o tú me encontraste a mí...el Universo nos unió. Y es que estaba escrito en nuestros libros, por lo menos los de esta vida, y quién sabe si también en algunas anteriores, porque esa sensación de creer conocer a una persona de alguna parte, sin tener recuerdos muy claros ni nítidos, esa sensación no es imaginación, y lamentablemente muchas veces ignoradas por algunos que aún no saben lo que quieren en la vida, no se conocen a ellos mismos (esa frase te la robo). ¿Cómo explicar ese sentimiento increíble de comodidad, confianza, necesidad de hablar, verse, tocarse, acompañarse...enamorarse de nuestra locura, vivir juntos por el resto que nos queda, formar familia, sentirnos, querernos...ser nosotros? Yo lo llamo destino, el plan que el Universo tenía para ambos. Y estas historias existen, pero son escazas, y simplemente se siente...como está ocurriendo ahora.

Uno se puede sentir muy cómodo con una persona, quererla mucho, amarla incluso, y sin embargo sentir que levemente falta algo...y ese algo muchas veces es ignorado, y se piensa en seguir adelante, sin sentirse completamente pleno, por pensar que nada es perfecto...pero puede ser perfecto si uno lo quiere, si uno lo atrae, y si por un solo momento esas energías superiores deciden unirnos, deciden que ya es tiempo de que encontremos esa felicidad, después de tantas vueltas en nuestras vidas que nos dejaron experiencias, y que nos dejaron simplemente las ganas de querer algo más...tú eres mi algo más...y espero ser yo el tuyo.

Esto es solo el comienzo de nuestra historia....esperemos que llegue a ser el libro más vendido, las frases más inspiradoras...porque algo tan maravilloso e increíble como lo que nos mueve el piso estos días, no puede esconderse al resto del mundo...lo bello se comparte y siempre se agradece...le da esperanza a aquellos que añoran un cambio, y que creen que las historias de los cuentos realmente existen. Existen en el mundo que nos estamos creando, mundo al que en este momento muy pocos tienen acceso, mundo en el que se ve con el corazón y no con los ojos, dónde caminamos junto a los ángeles todas las tardes, tomados de la mano...y tendidos en la pradera de las estrellas, acaricio tu linda cara, robo el aroma de tu largo pelo, y nos vamos a dormir con ese beso de buenas noches, recordándonos que los sueños si pueden ser reales, y que es exactamente lo que estamos comenzando a vivir.   
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Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Way Back

Unknown subtle bodies, minds connected to levels longed for a few, those few aware of the existence of that life... maybe is not necessary to say "good life" or "better life" or "healthy life", just life, because I don't think the rest should take that name, existence is more appropriate as you can exist without having a life, but there is no life without existence. That enlightenment, peace, clarity, purity and tranquility that some have already known, that what they awake aspire to, the open minds, free spirits, souls of the wind, used to fly and get lost in the moment, enjoy every second, catch every particle of life around us, absorb that light energy, food for the soul...

Teaching is the key to our evolution, but also very important is the self learning. This awakening of curiosity, thirst and hunger for more information, not keep the first impressions or speeches, even if whole nation reveres that speaker as the most brilliant mind and soul that exists at that time... never stop believing in your own feelings, listen to the hunches, pay attention to the body and mind when it speaks to you.... no one knows you better than yourself, and I know there are many who still don't know, and who are lost in practices that doesn't fill the body, mind and spirit.... and I know because I was there too, with which I do not mean that I am now in that longed enlightened level, I simply want to say that I already realized that the level is real, and that level is where I want to get, and I get closer every day.

Many of us did not have that kind of teaching, especially the older generations including mine, there are still residues of the era in which "we are all born sinners," and we must amend our lives to service, to reach those levels... something that many see incredibly far, and only available for a few... that's the thought of the last era in which millions are still living without opening his eyes, not able to stop thinking that they don't have to please anyone to amend their lives, only yourself... and for that you don't need a religious group, or the idolatry of "earthly gods" also known as priests, clerics, popes, pastors, which claim to be messengers (not saying it's a lie) sent to guide the sheep... to guide the sheep I can share and maybe understand, and there's nothing wrong with (in contrast, is something that many would have liked to have) sharing the knowledge and sow the seeds of consciousness to awaken the thirst and hunger of knowing oneself and self healing. But, I don't agree at all with those practices where brainwashing is so common by those "leaders" who sow the seeds but restrict their development, they make it depend on many requirements that the sheep must follow to belong to the group, and so be saved from all their sins, and you can never be brighter or more enlightened than the teacher, because in their eyes, they are the ones who have that privilege. Luckily, several already realize that they are not needed, and that this celestial communication, out of this world, or alien (outside the Earth), it's something that can be obtained in an individual, intimate and personal way, and then share with other peers, and begin to awake the sleeping zombies, start opening new eyes. And is not about thinking we are better than the rest, is about not to been selfish and share something that others do not see, as well as other ascended beings share their knowledge with us. 

How to do it? Focus the energy on loving yourself, healing yourself, cleanse the physical, mental, etheric and astral body. Meditation is my preferred way of healing and enlightenment, along with yoga, with which the physical body also clean itself. And you do all this together with a healthy diet, which I will leave to the discretion of each. If you do not know well at the moment if you are feeding yourself correctlymeditation will let you know... who better than your own mind can communicate with your body and tell you what it needs or what it is superfluous. And meditation is as simple as closing your eyes, clear your mind, and focus on breathing, and then let it flow. Nothing negative can come from there, it's your mind and emotions communicating, and after a while (or for some immediately) it's also higher beings, spiritual teachers, our guides, that are there to show us the way, and they have been waiting for a long time for us to open our eyes and wake up from the "hypnosis" in which we are immersed, hypnosis we sometimes call life. World peace starts with personal peace, and if each person would focus on something as simple as taking the time to meditate, it is not difficult to imagine how different would this world be. We would go to the paradise where we originally coexisted with nonhuman animals (we are animals, but one quite different, and not in the good sense). It was us who created an artificial world within the natural paradise in which we already lived in the times of Lemuria and then Atlantis (investigate for yourself, please do not use Wikipedia for serious topics and for what others want to keep secret).

Sometimes this magnetism between 2 beings is something that does not respect neither geographical distances, nor languages. It simply touches you profoundly, shakes you in such a way that it is not possible to ignore. Much is expected by similar, often unimaginable connections, or idealized only across histories forgotten in time, lost between debris barriers of ignorance and cowardice... the absence of this courage, this value that makes you believe and trust, without knowing what is coming, but only knowing that it is something that it is necessary to pursue. So many signs indicating similarities between parallel paths, which you know at some moment turn into only one physical, mental and emotional union. Especially the last 2 are those that maintain this path in a constant state of growth and permanent development, and it takes such a form, that it is never even considered not for seconds to separate again. The physical path intertwines with the a flutter of wings flying to the infinite, enjoy it as though you never believed possible. There are neither bandages nor hands keeping silent words, to open the physical eyes is no longer necessary, we can see it and feel, we can breathe it and live it... close your eyes, breathe, fly.... You won't want to return to your artificial world.
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Friday, August 8, 2014

Indigos in Love

The incoming Aquarian energies sparked an evolution in all walks of life. Our ideas about love and relationships were powerfully affected. If we look back to the sixties we see emerging then the ideals of freedom and love. It was a time of sexual liberation and relationship exploration. People made all sorts of experiments: twosomes, threesomes, orgies, communes, group marriages, partner swapping, extended families, and more. we "came out of the box", and in that moment of liberation, tried everything that came to mind. The traditional values of marriage, family, and kids were not satisfactory for many. Something else was calling.

The Seventies ans Eighties saw a further evolution in the emergence of new ideals of love and spirituality. The concepts of Tantra-the combination sexuality and meditation for reaching higher states of love and spirituality-entered public consciousness.

The Aquarian energies, stimulating new activity in the heart, third eye, and crown centers, are bringing a new sense of the potentials of love. On an immediate personal level it means that deep inside you have a feeling for what is possible in a relationship.

Whether you're coming from a negative or positive, you carry an ideal that you aspire toward. This kind of relationship calls to you. It is like a beacon pulling you upward. It's a standard against which you measure what is currently happening. Though our culture has no names or labels for this type of relating, and no names do it justice, we might call this form of relating "spiritual partnership"-a relationship that is based on a meeting of spirit and consciousness.

Spiritual Partnership

When we first met what we saw in the other (authors talking about themselves) was a depth of being. There was a sense of profound recognition-a soul recognition. We both knew each other. And not only was it a sense of recognition, but a sense of connection, as if there was a fundamental linking in out beings, in our Essence.

We both were in relationships at that time, so we didn't get involved on an outer level. Our coming together as partners took us 14 years. During that time we were friends. But there was something about that friendship. Whether we were together as lovers or not didn't seem to matter. What was important was the sense of someone special and magical-someone essential-in our lives. From the very beginning we could sense each other's soul: this bright, magical, immensely conscious spiritual being that was at each other's center.

This sense of seeing the essence is of particular importance to Indigos, because you won't be starry-eyed in love. You won't just see this "perfect being" with whom you'll live happily ever after. On the contrary, you'll be very aware of each other's personality. You'll be able to see ego, patterns, fears, wounds, and the so many other unenlightened things that make us human.

A Sense of Higher Purpose

Once we got together (authors talking about themselves), we had a feeling of a higher density, as if this had been meant all along. It felt as if on some inner dimension of life we had planned this. We see this so often for Indigos: an awareness of higher forces at work that are bringing you together-and bringing you together not only for your own love and well-being, but also for a spiritual purpose that is much greater than you. Of course part of that purpose is your own growth, but it is also for something more than just the two of you, as if together you create something larger-your contribution to the evolution of the whole.

We can say in our relationship that this sense of purpose is center point. Our lives revolve around it; our work revolves around it; everything we do revolves around it. The relationship is imbued with this higher meaning. This purpose is the real reason for our being together.

In looking back we could see that it was this sense of purpose that had been missing in our previous relationships. Though these relationships were beautiful, heartful, and caring, without it there had been a subtle feeling of emptiness. It was the missing ingredient for the deep fulfillment that we longed for. 

A Spiritual Journey Together

One of the ways that Indigos in relationships walk the path together is through your high sensitivity. You can immediately feel something is not right. You may not always be sure what it is, but it's as if you can feel the emotions and the energy of the other person, and you know when something is out of balance. In an Indigo relationship you can't get away with anything; the heightened awareness of each of you notices everything.

The result is that you're constantly mirroring each other. That's not always very pleasant! In fact, it's often downright difficult. When someone points out to you that your bravado is masking fear, or that you just went into insecurity, it can hurt.

But the immense value of this is that somebody really sees you. He or she sees your personality and your soul. He or she sees your wounds, your truth, and your magic even while seeing your patterns. For the first time in your life you0re not behind a mask. There's someone really present with you-someone who meets your essence.

This dropping of masks and becoming authentic is one of the greatest blessings of the journey of a spiritual relationship. You see each other as you are. The relationship is built in authenticity. This authenticity is continually deepening. We emphasize continually because it's not like you drop the masks and become authentic. Rather, it's an ongoing process as the many layers and parts that compose us gradually unfold over time. 

 Friends on the Path

The journey of a spiritual relationship is a path; you are walking a path of inner development together. One of the fundamentals of the path is that each of us is alone. That's because it's my unfoldment-my Essence that unfolds. Bit though each of us is on our own journey, it's certainly nice to have a friend to share the journey with.

In that sense a relationship is about being friends on the path. It's wonderful to have a friend to travel with on the spiritual journey-someone to share your innermost life with, to share your aloneness with, to support you to be authentically who you are, to mirror you, and to give encouragement when needed, and who above all else loves you and wants you to be all that you can be.

That's one of the things that make Indigo relationships so special: Indigos carry an innate sense-an ideal-that each person has such immense potential, and you really want the other to reach that potential. There's a place of empowered freedom in you that wants that same empowered freedom for the other.

Central to this dream of potential is freedom. Above all else Indigos want to be free. One part of you cannot be boxed or controlled, even for love. When we talk about freedom here we're not necessarily talking about sexual freedom (thought that may be at times a part of it). We are talking about the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to have your own mind and thoughts, and the freedom to find your own way and to be the conductor of your own life.

This leads to a unique challenge in Indigo relationships: You want to be free and at the same time you want to be together. What often comes up as we start moving in freedom is old insecurities. Though we may be Indigo in our essence, we still carry many old fears, patterns, and insecurities on the level of our personality. These parts of us don't want the other to explore too much. It's threatening.

But at the same time, our Indigo nature has a different spirit. There's courage and adventurousness, even with the risk that it might take the other away from you. This is an incredible process. You're not in the typical security of a relationship and marriage that's promised in the movies. But on the other hand, in that freedom and constant self-reflection and growth, there is a deep meeting. In this environment of empowerment and honesty love grows. Out of freedom come closeness and intimacy.

Indigos Are Challenged to Overcome Fear in Their Relationships

We have learned that it's not safe to reveal certain parts of ourselves to others because we might get rejected. We use an expression-"the uglies"-to represent all the parts or ourselves that we feel are wrong, or we're ashamed about and want to hide. For most of us revealing the uglies is frightening. It takes courage to open and let somebody in. It's a risk to say things or to even let ourselves feel certain things because they are outside the bandwidth of what is considered acceptable.

It continually surprises us that, the more we reveal the uglies, the more love flows. We expect to be judged and rejected by the other and instead are met with empathy, understanding, and intimacy. It has incredible to see that, when we drop our protection, get vulnerable, let our feelings out, and be authentic, the walls come down, intimacy opens, and love flows more than ever. Our mind thinks that if we are real we'll get rejected, and if we put up a "right face" we'll be accepted. This is one of the beautiful things  about inner work in a relationship: The relationship becomes a safe place to reveal yourself. It becomes a place where someone really sees you, touches you, reflects you back to you and helps you to grow. 

A Spirituality Hot Relationship

This authenticity and revealing create what we would call a "hot" relationship. We are talking about an  intensity and dynamism between two people, of communication, observation, exploration, openness, and challenge. It's a highly dynamic and interactive process.

What's more typical in relationships is for a person to get hurt and to withdraw. You may go sulk in your room, or withdraw and become distant. Perhaps you start punishing the other, subtly or not so subtly. Often this state can go on for an extended time.

In spiritual relationships you don't let these things go for very long; things come up, and you deal with them. You don't settle for less than the best in relating. And if things are not good, you do something about it. you don't want to go to sleep and start talking the other for granted or start living in a routine. Yow want to keep growing and to keep yourselves alive. This takes awareness. You have to stay alert, because there are parts in all of us that go to sleep and become complacent.  

Truth-Based Relating

Communication in spiritual partnership is invaluable. You talk about things. You look at things together and you verbally explore together. You learn to put into words things that are not always easy to say. 

For many of us (not me at all) it's not our nature to communicate about our feelings. (Though this is true for both men and women, it's particularly true for men.) We specially don't want to talk about difficult feelings-our insecurities, fears, pain or needs. But to be able to talk about them is of incredible value. This is usually not easy, both for the person who is sitting on his or her feelings or for the partner who is trying to draw the feelings out. In that moment the partner is challenging you, starting to mirror you back to yourself, to give you feedback. the partner is telling you that you are in a pattern, a wound, a trip of some sort-just the stuff we hate to hear. One part of us may start getting defensive. Yo may even go on the attack. But then you start looking anyway, and guess what?-the partner is right.

It's of value here to understand the difference between men and women regarding this. Women can generally take more honesty than men. consequently, women are often disappointed when they try to communicate with a man and the man shuts down, denies, or gets aggressive. Women then, out of their fear of aggression, lose clarity and go into their own emotional patterns. It takes a certain maturity for a woman to hold herself in these moments. She has to remain patient as the man goes through various stages of huffing and puffing, denying, threatening, or attacking, until he finally starts looking.

 Conscious Partnership

This brings us to the crux of Indigos in love, what we would call "conscious partnership." We earlier used "spiritual partnership" to describe Indigo relationships. We can also call it "conscious partnership" because of the importance of the word conscious. Conscious means alert, aware, and observant. In conscious partnership you are alert to the many subtle nuances of what goes on between you.

In a conscious partnership you learn tools to increase consciousness and to work with the things you become aware of. On the one side you learn to handle the things of the personality such as hurt, anger, ego, power, and needs. And on the other side, you learn the art of intimacy-way to open the heart, to meet the deeper parts of the other, to enhance each other's essence, and to meet as souls.

As an Indigo you are not going to be satisfied if the relationship is flat. You are not going to be happy if the relationship is so-called normal and day to day, where things are just content and secure. Some part of you will get restless. You want intensity, depth meeting, and meaning. You don't want superficial cocktail-party talk in your relationship. You want an authentic heart and soul connection. If that's not there, you will start rocking the boat. You'll do things to get that intensity. 

Holistic Relating

Part of that "more" that we are looking for in a relationship is embodied by the word holistic. By holistic we're referring to the whole of a person: his or her spirit, body, mind, and emotions.

We are wanting full.spectrum relating. For example, on a spiritual level we may seek uplifted moments (through meditating or praying, or simply taking a walk in nature together). On a dynamic level we may want high energy, movement, and intensity. Mentally we may want a stimulating exchange of ideas that challenge and expand our minds. Our sexuality might take the form of Tantra. This practice embraces body, mind, and spirit in a most direct and powerful way, bringing a whole new form of meeting through conscious sexuality. We're wanting a relationship that covers a wide gamut of experience, where we meet and exchange on many levels.

Ultimately, the challenge for Indigos in relationship is to embody an ideal of a complete meeting-a fuller bandwidth of what is possible between two people. This is what Indigos know is possible. This is what you aspire toward.

As Indigo Adults we have to learn to trust our vision, and to hold true to what we believe is possible. Even if we don't see it in the world around us, and even if we have not lived it yet ourselves, somewhere inside there is a knowing-a possibility-that call to us.  Our challenge is to pioneer a new way if living and relating. We have the gift and opportunity to embody a new paradigm of love and intimacy.

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