Optimistic waiting
for your call every day, several times a day, even now I'm waiting for you to
get back from your brief stint in the air and decide to call so we can hear
each other for hours, because we still do not have the luck to be physically
present in the same space. Space that will witness avalanches of hugs and
caresses of all kinds. I will flood you with kisses on your beautiful neck... I
do not know how you will do to keep me away from this beauty...maybe just by letting
me go down your body, drawing your curves and contour with my tongue, my lips.
That space will know that there was released the most intense battles, your
body against mine...battle that ended in a hug releasing purity drops, eroticism
drops, infinite love.
Vividly open
your eyes at times to connect with mine...I already watch you for some time,
and it is difficult to escape the hypnosis of your sensual, innocent, seductive
movements…without wanting to be. Could contemplate you for hours and hours,
until time whip me fiercely and make me take the long awaited trip, felt in deep...that
trip that hopefully will not end soon, but if this happens, we have our lives
ahead to make it a thousand times more. Passengers without tickets from
judgmental eyes that we closed without fear, only by showing what we know how
to do, what we want to do to each other, again and again...hold me cause I'm on
your side, and I am not leaving from the most precious home I start to build.
Eager trembling
hands touching you completely…you kissing my fingers, with your tongue my
shoulders... and I slide through your back to reach its end, to begin that
massage that you will enjoy so much, I promise. That beauty of legs you have,
and my hands have the privilege to stroke them, by the contour, and even more
by the inside of your thighs, very intensely, until I get to that point where
they join and the paradise begins, my cherished paradise.
sensations, smelling your body, from top to bottom, from the outside in, taking
all the time necessary in each season of this exquisite trip, I fall in love
more and more simply because you exist beside me, and transport me to the world
I was waiting for so long, perhaps even before I was born as who I am now. That
world where we can live without time, your world...our world. We will inhabit
that world where the Universe and Nature will be proud of their beautiful
creation, what a great couple they have formed…and couple in our eyes, because
in the eyes of the Creators we are already merged as one...each with their
qualities, but united in one body, a fusion of souls...soul mates.